008: Building Brand Authority with Your Podcast

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[00:00:00] hello. Welcome back to Arrived Daily. I'm your host, Bethany Wrede Peterson. Wow, I can't believe this is already episode eight and we're only on day freaking three. , thank you so much for keeping up with me. It's been a wild ride. I'm really excited though that you're here. Thank you for your support of the show to date

[00:00:27] I wanted to really express my gratitude to everyone who has gone and left a review of Arrived daily already on Apple Podcasts . The show really is supported by reviews from listeners just like you, because when a show is brand new it takes feedback from listeners to help boost that show up and to get that show found by other listeners who need to hear this transformative content.

[00:00:58] So I thank you [00:01:00] so much for leaving your review. Let's get going with ze show my Friends. Today I want to talk about.

[00:01:09] How a podcast lends itself to you, establishing authority and even greater credibility within your brand. So when I was thinking about drafting this episode, I was really concerned with using the words, authority and credibility because I think those words can be stumbling blocks for so many of us in the respect that I think unless you've been at your craft for years, upon years, upon years, and you just know you are the authority.

[00:01:44] I don't think many of us think that we're an authority at something. So I think that that's a word that I would say firstly, like don't worry about if, feel, if you're not feeling like you're an authority at something because a podcast will help you. Get that sense [00:02:00] of authority in your voice, and we're gonna chat all about that today.

[00:02:04] And I think the other stumbling block word that a lot of us have is credibility. So one, I want to say that no matter what, you are credible without a podcast, you are credible with a podcast, you are credible. So this isn't a matter of worthiness. You are worthy just. Being you. Uh, So I wanna get that outta the way right off the bat.

[00:02:24] So when I mention these words, authority and credibility, let's not bring a sense of let's say ego into that because that's not what I'm talking about here. What I'm talking about is the way in which. Your voice and your message that gains authority and further credibility when you have a podcast.

[00:02:44] So of course you started your business for some purpose. You wanted to help people. You wanted to solve a. A problem, you wanted to help someone get rid of a pain point, right? For me, it was, I wanna be a podcast coach because I wanna help women and other [00:03:00] people out there realize that their voice deserves to be heard.

[00:03:02] And yes, they can get behind that mic and one day have that confidence, even if they're not showing up to that mic every day with confidence one day, helping them get that confidence. You started your business to, to be in service to others, and we know that we need to get your voice out there.

[00:03:19] That's what this show is all about. Having a, a podcast Lends itself to greater authority and credibility within your business. Because anyone who listens to your show, whether it's an existing customer, whether it is a potential or a prospective client, whether it's someone who's just stumbled upon your show or maybe heard you on another podcast and now has headed over to your podcast to see what you are all about.

[00:03:48] That helps to develop trust and engender trust with all those different types of listeners. And so we've chatted about this a little bit in previous episodes already but I really [00:04:00] do think that when someone hears your voice every day, it really lends that sense of no love and trust factor. But what it also does is it positions you as that credible, authoritative.

[00:04:16] Resource. It positions you as that expert, as that go-to. So for example, I have my own coaching clients, and those coaching clients choose to work with me because we're getting a little bit deeper when it comes to getting your voice heard. A lot of people would go work with a podcast coach because they simply want the nuts and bolts, and that's what I, of course, I teach as well in my course.

[00:04:35] But. , I'm not that coach that's going to simply tell you just how to go from zero to launch. I also want to coach and encourage you, so, by me showing up here behind this mic and bringing you these episodes lends a sense of authority and credibility to my message. And it's going to do the exact same for you with your business.

[00:04:58] If you're showing up [00:05:00] consistently to the mic and talking about whatever it is in your business, whatever your unique message is that you have to offer as a compliment to. Business itself and the offers that you're making and the services and courses and coaching and whatever it is that you have out there.

[00:05:17] So remember that just a podcast alone and you putting out that consistent content. To your listeners, whether they're existing customers and clients, or they're new to you and your show, that builds a sense of authority. And you become the go-to person when it comes to that unique thing that your.

[00:05:40] Teaching on within your show. Secondly, I would say that a podcast and having a show whether you release your show weekly or seasonally,

[00:05:52] when you're releasing that consistent content out into the world it's, I think also too, [00:06:00] easier to get onto other people's podcasts. It's easier to apply to be a speaker on someone's panel to apply to be a public speaker, let's say at a conference. Whatever it is that you want to, or whatever platform it is, I should say, whatever vehicle by which you want to further hone and spread your message about your amazing business, about your offers to the world through, other different marketing media or mediums I should say.

[00:06:31] Having a podcast it's a much easier sell to. Anyone who is going to make that decision, shall we say, of what panelists to put, on in, at their conference. Or if you are pitching to a lot of podcasts already and you have your show, that's one thing that other podcast hosts like to see, because a lot of times there could be a great collaborative or cross promotional opportunity there.

[00:06:59] [00:07:00] Having that podcast is not only a wonderful way for you to be like, Hey, I am this go-to person on this specific topic and this specific niche. It also helps other podcast hosts and other content creators, other influencers That, Hey, you've got something to say. You're credible because you have been supporting your own show.

[00:07:24] You've been supporting your own message through the power of podcasting. Now, of course, this works well, if you're showing up live as well. I was just looking at a follower's account today on Instagram and she just announced that she had done 80 lives as an 8 0 80 lives on Instagram now.

[00:07:44] And I would venture to guess that she has got much greater ability now to reach out to, let's say, other podcast hosts to be on their show because, Pushing out that consistent content. And what I will also say there, and I said to her [00:08:00] in her comments was, Hey, if you've been doing all these lives, that's a lot of amazing content.

[00:08:05] Why don't you pull the audio from your lives and turn that into a podcast? Okay? So start to think creatively about your show, especially if you already have a show on YouTube or an Instagram live show that you do on the regular. , that's 0.2 is your authority starts to build in the eyes of other content creators, other influencers conference creators, podcast hosts, et cetera.

[00:08:28] The other point I wanted to make is that having a regular podcast builds your confidence. In your message, and if I don't already sound like a broken record by now, I'm going to now. Because when you are showing up regularly to get your voice out there and to be heard You can't help but start to develop confidence in your own voice, and especially if you are someone that has struggled in the past or you [00:09:00] currently struggle with making offers.

[00:09:02] Getting behind that sales process, I think that's really hard for a lot of women. And I don't wanna, I don't wanna throw the gender card on there necessarily, but I do think, and I've struggled with this myself in the past, is when it comes to making offers we can start to feel real sheepish with that.

[00:09:17] But if you know that you've been showing up with a podcast on the regular and you have been just like slam dunking it with amazing free content to those listeners and that audience base, when you then go. To promote your product, to promote your service, promote your coaching, PR program, your book, whatever it is, your listeners not only are they going to be more primed to buy, as I've mentioned in previous episodes, but I really think that helps you hone.

[00:09:50] That sort of credibility within yourself. So if you are someone who gets to that point where you know you need to start selling [00:10:00] and it's like, oh God, here we go. It's that rollercoaster and like not the good way, then I think go and get yourself a podcast, because I guarantee you, you're going to feel much more comfortable promoting yourself, promoting your business, promoting your services, promoting your products, promoting your book.

[00:10:17] When you have that podcast because podcasting. I hate to say it, it's all about self-promotion. It's all about your business promotion. It's about all about promoting your personal brand, because let's face it, people at the end of the day buy people. Sure they wanna buy your service, but people wanna work with you, or people wanna read your book because you're bringing that unique perspective.

[00:10:40] So don't underestimate the power. Of a podcast for helping you get that confidence to help you sell and make your offers. Okay, so just to really quickly recap that a podcast helps you build authority as a speaker, as an [00:11:00] influencer, as a business owner, because your listeners build that trust.

[00:11:04] Within you, you become the go-to person in your field within your niche when you have consistent podcast content and you're putting out that message on the regular. Secondly, it's easier to get onto other people's podcasts if you have your own show, because a lot of times there's cross promotional or collaborative opportunities that are there.

[00:11:26] I would also argue it's easier to get on a panel or wherever else you might wanna get your message out there outside of your podcast. And of course having a pod can only build your confidence in making your offers for your products and services.

[00:11:41] For your straight talk actionables today, my beauty the first. Straight talk, actionable that I have for you. So pen and paper at the ready. Okay. First straight talk. Actionable is remember that you don't need to be an expert at your [00:12:00] craft or your field.

[00:12:00] I'll just use the example of interior designers cuz I used to be one. You don't need to have had been an interior design for 20 years to start a podcast or to say that you're an expert. That's another buzzword I think that a lot of us shy away from cuz we're like, oh God, I'm not an expert.

[00:12:13] How could I speak authoritatively on, on whatevers I'm, I'm talking. Just remember, you only really need to be a couple steps ahead of your. Listeners or anyone that you're helping out with your show anyone who tells you that they have it all figured out is lying and you should run . As a matter of fact, someone reached out to me recently and they said, Hey, could you help me with this?

[00:12:38] And I thought, oh goodness. I don't feel like I'm an expert at that aspect of podcasting, but I had to shut that line of thinking down and remind myself. One, I can go and I can study up on that again and I can give my own self a refresher. It's probably no bad thing for me anyway. And this person is working with [00:13:00] me because, , they don't wanna have to figure that out on their own.

[00:13:04] And so they're working with me because they know that I will help get them from A to B in that topic within podcasting, for example. So I had to get over my own self there. And remember, I don't have to be the expert at this topic within podcasting. I just have to go. Refresh and update myself so that I can then take my unique perspective of the kind of nuts and bolts of that and bring this to this client so that they can hit the ground running.

[00:13:38] So I would urge you to Rethink the word expert as well. So don't feel like you have to be an expert. No one is an expert. We're all figuring it out day to day. So I don't know, maybe if you've been doing something for like 25 years, you're an expert, but the rest of us, I think we're all learning as we go.

[00:13:55] Second stray talk, actionable for you, my dear is [00:14:00] list three topics within your field that. You could confidently or generally confidently teach on. Okay? So this is not the time where you're gonna wanna be figuring out how to speak French and then go teach it to someone. But chances are, if you've been in your business for a while, you can absolutely authoritatively speak on a few different topics.

[00:14:22] And hey, you know what? If you're like, what are you talking about? I've been fluent in French since I was six. Well then good on you, my friend. . But if you think about three topics that you could authoritatively speak on then that right there can be your sort of launchpad for you starting your show and thinking about yourself as the go-to expert.

[00:14:43] So again, just to use the, just to use the analogy of interior design. If you work with a lot of clients that work from home, let's say, maybe you could craft three different topics on productivity and working from home, how to design your space so that you can be productive. There's so many different things that [00:15:00] you know that I think again, we as business owners and personal brands we forget that we know and we forget.

[00:15:07] That other people don't know these things. So that's the real ticket here, is that we know these things to us, these things are so second nature, but for so many of us, these things are not second nature. So remember that. So list three topics in your field that you could confidently teach on.

[00:15:22] Things that other people just wouldn't naturally know unless they were to workwith

[00:15:28] And your third straight talk actionable for the day as we are wrapping up the show is if you could be known for one thing, what would it be? We'll get much more into the topic of niche in later episodes.

[00:15:44] But chances are, if you've been in business at all for a while, you know how important it is to have your. Especially when you're a personal brand, when you're a creative small business, it's how you stand out from the crowd. So if you could be known for one thing, what would it be? For [00:16:00] me, my mission of course, is to.

[00:16:03] Be known as the podcast coach who helps women find their voice, gain the confidence to get their voice out there and be heard, and podcast for personal growth as well as for profit. So, that is my example.

[00:16:21] Just to really quickly recap those straight talk actionables for you today. The first one is remember, you don't need to be an expert.

[00:16:29] You only need to be a couple steps ahead of your listeners your clients, your customers, et cetera. Actionable two list three topics in your field that you could confidently teach on and remember again, Point one, you don't need to be an expert. Just know that there are other people out there who have no idea and you can teach them confidently in something that they would never have any idea how to take the next steps on if it weren't for your amazing voice and your amazing offers and your business.

[00:17:00] And the third thing is if you could be known for one. In your business and think again about your niche, what would that be? This is a wonderful way to form the basis of your podcast and catapult your authority in your field and further gain a sense of credibility within. Your business as well.

[00:17:21] So thank you so much for joining me on episode eight. Oh. You know what? I haven't talked about this for a little bit, but if you are interested in learning your unique podcast personality, head on over to my free quiz. Head on over to at tellier.com/quiz, and you can learn even more about. What kind of topics you can chat about in your show.

[00:17:49] What's gonna make you an expert in your show based upon your unique podcasting personality? It's a lot of fun. It's 10 short [00:18:00] questions. I got some cool gifts in there, so I promise it's a party! atelierwrede.com/quiz. And DM me when you've taken it. I'd love to see your results. Again, thank you so much for your review of the show.

[00:18:13] Your honest review not only gives me feedback, but it helps get the show into the ears of other listeners who really want to launch their podcast, wanna grow their podcast and develop that confidence within their voice. So thank you so much.

[00:18:29] I will chat with you in episode nine. Cheers!


061. Imperfect Action


004: How to Tell Your Story